Tuesday, March 13, 2012

spring break week

This past week has been pretty darn good (minus a few not so great things).
This past weekend I dog sat for my friends awesome pups, I went to my first poker game (and managed to piss people off), watched a lot of Big Bang Theory (a show I use to hate), found out some pretty bad news about my aunt in Pensacola (prayers welcome and needed!), rode my bike, tried to find the Zooey magazine (which is only sold in one store in Jax) but did not prove successful, had lunch with my mom 2 days in a row (like old times), and have had an easy time at work.

Since our school is on Spring Break this week, I've been working a little less. I'm still working at the law firm in the morning, but I've gotten a lunch break and was able to take off the school job for the rest of the week to get other stuff done. Like me-time, and errands for friends and family.

The only downfall has been the news of my aunt. While I'm not going to get into detail about it here, I will say that it came by complete surprise and is devastating for her and her son. She will be okay (thank you God),but it's life changing. If you are the praying type, please keep her in your prayers. And if you're not religious, please send her all of your positive thoughts and energy. She and her immediate family need it.

I hope you've had a great week.
Only a few days more until St. Patty's Day!!! (I'm pretty excited for a couple reasons..... will share later on).


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