Sunday, March 11, 2012

52 lists in 52 weeks// week 41 (his + hers)

List 41: Fours.

1. four places you've visited.

2. four things you wish you could get paid to do for a living.

3. four things you are looking forward to.

4. four people who inspire you the most.

My list:
1. Paris, Berlin, London, & Budapest

2. crafting, riding my bike, reading, & teaching

3. getting my hair done this week, one day getting married, one day having kids, & traveling to Chicago in June

4. mom, other bloggers, invisible children group, my co-workers

And I also go Steven to share his list as well.....

Steven's list:

1. Grand Canyon, San Diego, Bahamas, & Fenway Park

2. play sports, drinking, traveling, & gaming

3. a promotion, having kids, getting married, & teaching my kids sports

4. mom, dad, God, & self

Your turn.

1 comment:

  1. I think I'll get into this whole lists thing. I like it and I enjoy reading other's lists. Here in Chile there is already a big group about invisible children, it's getting worldwide!! Now I have mi blog in Spanish and in English, finally. Now I can comment on different blogs and expect them to understand mine when they click on it haha. Have a good week!


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