Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I can't believe that this school year is almost over. It feels like yesterday I was going in for my interview and suddenly offered a job on the spot. Since then I feel like I have grown so much, learned so much, and have gained some wonderful friends in the meantime.

I will be sad to say goodbye to my students though. Some for the summer and some for longer (since they will be graduating onto middle school). But I will forever cherish the memories I have made this year and the wonderful students that have been a part of them.

And I love that I have taken photos along the way to remember my first year as a somewhat teacher.

I am also especially grateful  for the pictures my students drew me (and that I was smart enough at the time to take photos to forever remember them....)

My students (of all ages) are incredibly smart and creative, like when they made their own chessboard from paper.
Or that time they got all upset about SOPA and went around telling everyone about it and how it was going to ruin the internet. And yes, they even covered the board with anti-SOPAness.
 Although, one of my favorite parts of this school year, was being with the pre-k 4s. As much as I absolutely love my older kids, it was nice to work with a younger group, that before I hadn't thought I would like working with. But these intelligent and bright little kids made my days. Especially their little drawings....
Like this one of me and one of the kids (drawn by her of course).

 And of course all of the work they made and put up in the hall. Especially these from the kindergartners.....

 But through it all, the holidays and corn picking, the cookie making, and card playing, the sing-songs, and book reading...I have enjoyed it all.

What an incredible year and learning experience.


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you've had such a great year. There will be many more to come! You should make a scrapbook that documents each year as a teacher!

    Amanda Rose


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