Tuesday, May 15, 2012

52 lists in 52 weeks// list 50 (mother's day list)

A list in honor of mother's day:

List 50:  10 Things I learned from my mom (or a mother figure).

- If you keep telling yourself negative things (i.e. "I'm ugly, etc) then you will start to believe it. So stop saying/thinking those things and focus on the positive.

- You can't force people to like you. And it's okay that they don't all like you...after all, you don't like everyone you encounter.

- Don't let anyone take advantage of you, because there are people that will try.

- If you're unsure of what decision to make, pray about it. God knows best.

- Whatever it is you are working at, always give it your best.

- Surround yourself with great friends, because they help make life meaningful (and wonderful)

- How to make beef stroganoff (sp?)

- How to love others

- How to be a wonderful mother (which I hope to one day use)

- To put others first

Thanks mom, for all the wonderful things you've taught me and for always being my best friend. You mean the world to me and I'd be lost without you!

(And the father's day list can be seen here).

1 comment:

  1. This is so sweet! I hope your mother reads this. The one about praying, because God knows best, is my favorite.

    Amanda Rose


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