Tuesday, May 29, 2012

memorial day weekend

Thank goodness for 3 day weekends. This one was much needed and I took full advantage of it.

Friday some friends from work and I tried a new place "Yes You Canvas".  We picked it because we got to make our own peacock painting. And I gotta say, I love mine. Even though it's not that great, it turned out a hell of a lot better than I thought it would. And I had an awesome time with my co-workers. I am seriously so blessed to have such great ones!

Saturday I met up with my mom and went to the Riverside Arts Market and the Spring Fest Riverside put on. Talk about awesome time. Anytime spent with my mom is pretty great, but the shopping definitely added to it. I also got to see one of my favorite families (Partridges!!!!!). I miss these guys like you wouldn't believe and seeing their faces was one the highlights of my day. And the crepes we tried....auh-mazing!
Saturday night I dragged Steven and my awesome friend Rod back to Riverside for some awesome food and games of cornhole. (I absolutely love that mac and cheese seems to be an acceptable dinner for adults now, by the way). 
Sunday and Monday Steven and I braced for the Tropical Storm and watched Survivor and ate watermelon. Even though the tropical storm was no big deal for us (seriously, when you live in Florida, it just becomes natural- and I even found myself saying more than once "it's not like it's a hurricane or anything). And yes, we did go to the store and stock up on essentials.....like beer and pizza and chips. Like I said....it's a Florida thing. 
And today we went back to work. But I was totally okay with that. I missed it a bit. And I only have 1 more day now of working at the school. Then comes summer vacation!!!!!!!!! 

How did you spend your Memorial Day weekend???

ps. my instagram name (where the majority of these pics came from) is kelzify, if you want to follow me.


  1. Love the peacock painting! I did not know there were places like that!! Very cool and you did so great!
    Love it!

  2. that peacock looks lovely and super colourful! :)


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