Tuesday, May 29, 2012

pinterest project #1

One of my "25 before 26" goals was to create 5 things from pinterest. I figured that this would be a good way to actually get crafty instead of just "pinning" pictures. 

For the first "pinterest" project I decided to make a jewelry holder, which I found here.
 Like any girl, I had some already, but I felt like they weren't adequate and they also seemed to hide what I had, meaning that I often times forgot about them. This idea (which paired well with the framing my necklaces) seemed to be the perfect solution and even saved space).

Making it was super easy too!
I bought a large plate (pizza size), bowl (smaller), and a candle stick. I also needed glue (I used "Dots" which are really used to easily adhere pictures to paper) and paint. 

 First, paint.
Then once it dries put glue on either side of the candlestick and attach it to the large plate (bottom) and bowl (or smaller plate) on the top.
Let dry.
Add your jewelry!
I put braclets and watches on the top, earrings with hooks on the edges, and rings, necklace pendants small earrings, and broaches on the bottom. 
Now I can see everything and I can more easily pick what I want to wear from day to day.

 If you make one, please share pictures, I would love to see your take!!!


  1. Great idea. I also love the framed necklaces

  2. I really like how this came out! :)

  3. Love this! I'll definitely have to try something like this for my jewelry. :)

    - ashley

  4. What a great idea! I always thought the whole cake-stand-as-jewelry-display was nice, but I like this build your own thing, especially because of the bowl on top! Thanks for sharing!



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