Thursday, July 12, 2012

my first Nascar experience

 This past weekend Steven and I met up with some friends in Daytona for the Coke Zero 400 Nascar race. (Phew, that was a mouth full).
We started the morning off at the beach, then pool, and then lunch. Then we tailgated. And tailgated some more. And then finally it was time for the race under the lights.

 It was a great day and a half vacation. But it was also a little bitter sweet. My dad was a huge Nascar fan. He went to the Daytona 500 just about every year. We had even talked about me going with him one year, I was just nervous about how loud it would be. It's been 11 years since he's died and I've never gone to a race even once, until this past weekend. The whole time I kept thinking about him and imagining what he would be doing if he were there with us. It was nice to finally experience one of his favorite things. I felt a little closer to him. And to make my heart melt a little more, during the first couple of laps, Steven could tell I was a little sad, so he leaned over and said maybe the sweetest things ever. He held up his drink and said "Let's cheers to John....and don't worry, he know's I'm going to take care of you."  Sometimes that guy just knows the perfect thing to say and do.

In the end, our guys (Jeff Gordon-,who I've had a crush on since I was 9, and Little E didn't end up winning). However, the big wreck of the night happened right in front of us on the last lap! No photos of that because my stupid phone died soon after the above photos were taken... But it was exciting, and since no one was hurt it was pretty awesome!

So until next year Nascar.......


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful time and that is so awesome that it reminds you so much of your dad ~ And it is so very sweet what Steven said to you!
    Thinking of you!
    Lots of love~

  2. I love the idea of going to watch a Nascar race but I'm not sure what the chances of me going are like lol. Would help if I was in the right country to start with!

    Glad you had a good time.


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