Thursday, July 12, 2012

i'm FINALLY a teacher!

(via etsy)
Only a couple of days ago I wrote this emo-ish post about being ready for a teaching career. Not even 30 minutes later I got a call from a school I had interviewed at previously, asking me for a second interview. A few hours later I was offered a position and the next morning I accepted.
In one short month I will be starting my new career as a full-time 5th grade science teacher. I couldn't be more thrilled, nor more scared. But I think I will love working with my new co-workers and I trust in God to help me along the way. And I also am so happy that He has given me this opportunity!


  1. KELLIE!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!! You're going to be the best science teacher EVER! (Super coincidentally, I was just thinking today how I wish I knew an elementary school teacher because I really would love to talk to the kids about science and engineering.)

  2. Ahhhh I'm just so excited for you that I have to comment a second time! :D

  3. thanks chels!! im totally gonna ask you for help too my science guru friend!!

  4. Congrats! The timing is pretty funny! :)

  5. Congratulations! I am going for my second interview as a guidance counselor, I hope I am as lucky as you are!

  6. Congratulations!!! Just shows we must never stop trusting

  7. Woo hoo!!! Huge congrats! Good luck with it all! :)

  8. That's so cool! Congratulations on your new job!!!

  9. So amazing!!!! I am so excited for you and so happy for you and soooo proud of you!!! :)

  10. Congratulations!! What a rewarding career!! :D

    xo Kayla


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