Thursday, November 8, 2012

baby shark photography

This past weekend my friend Jen and I headed to the beach. Her son, Keagan was a baby shark for Halloween and so we just had to take photos of the baby shark on the beach.
The whole thing made me re-realize two things: 1- this kid is sooo stinking adorable. 2- i absolutely love photography. I often am hard on myself and my work, but even though I'm not my biggest fan, I do love doing it anyway.
I also have an amazing friend that without even asking me, gave my number to a wedding photographer. I love her for that. That's how much she believes in me (and knows that I would never have the guts to do it myself).


  1. awwwww he is adorable! and your photographs are lovely! What a beautiful day!

  2. this is so cute.

    ps: if you get the chance, please help a sista out by entering my cute giveaway going on! thanks girl and love the blog!

    love, rach.


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