Monday, November 12, 2012

thankful list

photo found on pinterest

I am thankful for.....
my Savior, who died for me
my amazing mom, who would do anything for me
my dad, who taught me so much in our short time together
my boyfriend who is always trying to take care of me
my stepdad who always give his all
my soulmate Leigh, who loves me and gets me through all my craziness
for my amazing friend Jen, who is always there for me when I need it
for my sweet friend Erica, who reminds me how to be a good friend 
for my sister, who shares more with me than just blood
for my nieces and nephew, who always make me smile
my aunts, uncles, and cousins whom I'm so glad I've gotten close to again
for my friend Sarah, who is probably one of the sweetest women I've ever known
my friend Ashely, who gives me new addictions (Vampire Diaries) and is always there for me 
for my oldest friend, Kim, who has been my friend through the crappiest and best of times
my Riverside family, who not only gave me a job last year, but made me feel like i was home
the girlfriends at Riverside who I still consider to be some of my dearest friends and are there for me
my previous attorney bosses, who have always believed in me and gave me an undeserving job
 a roof over my head
my former church family that supported me
 my former youth kids, whom I love more than they know and who taught me so much
Steven's friends who have always welcomed me into their group
 my sweet car that may be getting older, but at least still takes me from point a to b
 my blogger friends, whom I'm so grateful to know
 my teaching job
having today off
my college education
all of my roommates, past and present that I've been fortune to find
the new friends I've made from school, who have made me feel so much more at ease
girls nights, that keep me sane
my guy friends who have taught me oh so much
 all of my new and old friends, that always remind me of who I am
my Pensacola family, who is the most loving group of people I've known
my Ft. Lauderdale family who stuck by my side through the worst of times
my Alabama family, who love me and my mom no matter what
my 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade teachers that made me want to choose this path
the study abroad trip that gave me wonderful experiences and amazing friendships
 the country I live in, despite all it's faults
the women and men who have died to make this country what it is
living in Florida- a gorgeous state
my first class, who still love me and write me notes
my current students who can be so sweet and caring
parents that care about their kids, my students and work with me to help them
coworkers that go out of their way for me
blogging, which always keeps me inspired
my pup, Aubre who always is so excited to see me
my past pups, Buttons and Coco who made me fall in love with dogs
that there are people out there that try to help each other, just because they want to
for my oh-so wonderful soft bed
my dad's love of history that somehow got passed onto me
the Bible, that continuously reminds me of God's love for me
the sunshine, that brightens up my day
a working ac
and a working heater
money in my account (even if it's not much)
helpful staff at the hospital that have been trying to help
doctors that are helpful and try to solve medical mysteries
comedies that make me laugh and cheer me up
pictures that help keep memories alive
my own classroom
my friend Joe, who has helped me tremendously in teaching
the upcoming Thanksgiving break that I have off from school and can visit family
Starbucks, even if it is overpriced
shopping trips with girl friends
gps that helps me always know where I'm going
the opportunities to travel
air fresheners that help my classroom not smell like complete crap
target and it's dollar section
fro yo samples
hair straighteners
the past 
the present
and the future


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