Monday, November 29, 2010

5 loves on monday

another monday = another list of loves (and the start of a new holiday season!)

1. Christmas decorating.
I haven't started yet at my place, but I'm hoping to this week. (Last night I helped the bf hang some lights at his place....and by helped I mean I sometimes handed him the hammer and tried to hold the chair steady for him...but mostly I was busy rearranging....I'm so add sometimes). I lovelovelove this time of year!

(both photos found at

2. this book
I read the first of the series and loved it. I finished the second one (shown below) this past holiday weekend. Each one keeps getting better. I cannot wait to read the third. And hopefully the fourth will one day be finished and published. *crosses fingers*

3. handmade gift ideas.
My parents and I watched HGTV's special this weekend (my poor, poor stepdad) and it has some amazing ideas for handmade gifts. They are either diy ideas or they link you to the etsy store that makes them. Best show ever!
And here is the link, so you ca see for yourself!

4. red dresses
perfect for the upcoming holiday season

found via

found here

found here

found here

5. these gals, this show, and their clothes!

The girls with Glasses...also can be seen here.

happy monday!


  1. Love your blog, hope it's ok if I add you to my links on my site :)

  2. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was such a good book. I read the whole series and now I can't wait for the movies to come out!


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