Now that I am no longer a part of the book club, I've instead tried to read my own books that have collected dust over the past months. The one I am currently reading and about to finish is:

Yes, it's girly and part of me is embarrassed to carry it around, but it's pretty decent. Plus, anything having to do with Mr. Darcy I'm all over. Agreed? When I read the storyline, I was hooked- it's about a girl who feels that Mr. Darcy has ruined dating and men for her (which I think many P&P girls can relate to). Okay fine, he is a fictional character, but tell me, what girl has read P&P and not fallen in love with Mr. Darcy at the end and then worried that no guy in modern times could ever quite match up??
It's a total beach read and I'm surprisingly liking it. :)
The book I am about to start is:

Which I'm excited about. I've also put the movie in my netflix queue, but I refuse to watch it until I've read it first. Anyone else read it or watched the movie?
P.S. What are you reading???
currently I'm reading random mystery books (agatha christie, laura childs). That's my book of choice for days at work because they aren't too involved and it's easy for me to put it down if we get busy. HA!
BUT.. my recent favorites are:
piano tuner, in the lake of the woods, the absolutely true diary of a part-time indian and all books by jose sarmago, they make me think (links in order)
xx, brittni
I just finished reading Leaving Unknown by Kerry Reichs. I definitely recommend it!
I just finished reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, along with the other two books in that trilogy.. they were amazing!!
Now I'm reading the Friday Night Knitting Club books by Kate Jacobs
PLEASE let me borrow the Mr Darcy book!! :)
I haven't read "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", but I have seen the movie. Probably the best movie I saw this year besides "Inception". It was very engaging. A little "dirty." But good. :)
ok I am definitely a sucker for Mr. Darcy! {sigh} I think I would love that book! Thanks for sharing.
Right now I'm trying to read the sookie stackhouse novels. I read the first one pretty fast, but I am less interested in this second one. I'm not sure if I will make it through the series.
I need new book ideas!
gotta love a beach read! My husband has read 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' and he said it was fantastic. I'm currently reading a biography on Coco Chanel! x
I keep hearing about the dragon tattoo book! It may have to be my next read.
I had such great intentions to read a ton of books this summer... didn't happen. And now school starts, which means textbooks. Ugh.
But I do have the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo on my nightstand... and Jenna Jamison's biography (odd choice, I know, but a friend said it was surprisingly good), and Emily Griffin's Love The One You're With.
I've heard a lot of good things about the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, I hope to read it soon. I just finished Shiver by Maggie Steifvater today on lunch and I'm getting ready to start The Short Second Life Of Bree Tanner....I am definitely into the vamp novels right now :)
I heart books! And I really want to read Girl with The Dragon Tattoo. Right now I'm reading Lucifer's Flood. It's an amazing book!!!
I have soooo many books!! i read slaughterhouse 5 last week and at the minute im reading two books.. one about coping with cfs and another one I cant even remember the name cuz its so long but its set in edwardian times and a woman is fooled into marrying someone who turns out to be very abusive. Its actually very good. Im in LOVE with anything Mr Darcy... Did you see the Mug on Lillies and Daisies Folksy shop?
My bf got me the one... "You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and Love you" mug for my birthday.. I cried.
Im nabbing your button for the friends section of my blog and im off to buy that book! xo
a lot has been said about the girl with the dragon tattoo. let us know what you think of it!
i'm currently trying to work my way through my pile of second hand books!
The girl with a dragon tattoo is on my ever growing list of To Read!
I am currently reading Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. A bunch of coworkers have read it and liked it so now it's my turn ;)
i just got a whole bunch of books for my birthday [p&p was amoung them], and i'm so excited but i don't even know where to start! [or when. how do you make TIME for this stuff?]
i'm currently reading Eat Pray Love, and i am almost done with it. it's not bad, and i am enjoying it :)
ooh i just finished reading this on friday and i watched the movie on netflix :) it's really good! i'm going to read the next one in the trilogy soon :)
i didn't like (sorry!) the girl with the dragon tattoo. but if it helps, i'm pretty sure i was the only one. i loved the movie!
i'm reading "tweak" by nic scheff.. pretty good and easy read! :)
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