Monday, September 26, 2011

a blah mood/ a blah post

It's really only Monday?
To preface this post, I would just like to state that I love my job. And I love my life. (Here's where the BUT comes in). I'm so exhausted. Perhaps it's because I didn't have my coffee today (okay my 2 cups). Or maybe I just hate that in a few hours I have to do everything over again. It's like I'm stuck in my own version of Groundhog Day.

I'd also like to ask yall a question....... my hair has been uber frizzy (either due to humidity or a new shampoo) but how can I get rid of it? Do any of you have hair care products or tips to share?????

Off to decorate for Fall and watch some games. G'night!


Sunday, September 25, 2011

52 lists in 52 weeks// week 17

Maybe I am the only one, but sometimes it's really hard to stay creative and inspired. I hate reaching that point though, so I have tried to find ways of getting out of my uninspired funk. I even made a list of things to do/see/watch to help myself stay inspired, and figured sharing what I've come up with and what other creative souls have created would be an awesome list to share. Plus, I really wanna know what yall do!! So this week's list:

List 17: Ways to stay creative and inspired.

- visit inspirational blogs you already follow
- try to go outside your normal blogsphere and find new inspirational blogs to read as well
- try sites like,,, or
- if you have a smart phone, look around at some inspiring apps, like instagram or twitter
- make lists of things you love, want to try, inspire you, etc.
- keep a binder full of clippings, pictures, etc from magazines or other sources that inspire you and go back to them for creativity
- explore new music (or favorite tunes) that get you in the mood to create
- watch fun and colorful movies that get your mind thinking in a different way (I tend to watch Marie Antoinette or Across the Universe)
- craft with your friends and try to get some inspiration from them
- go window shopping and see what catches your eye and figure out a way to let it inspire you

Others' lists:

(love the first one on the list!!)
found on

found at

Elsie's list found here.

Oh and watch the video found on this blog post as well:

Now it's your turn. And I seriously can't wait to see what yall's lists say!!
Don't forget to link up your blog posts and/or add your lists to our flickr group!


Friday, September 23, 2011

Autumn is FINALLY here!!!!

Happy Fall Yall!!!!

(all photos found on



Thursday, September 22, 2011

fall is......tomorrow

My favorite season is finally upon us!!!! I have to admit, while I wish I lived in a place that looked like the above photo (which was found here) just having cooler weather and a slight change in tree colors here in good ole' Florida does the trick for me.

And might I also add that I am a bit jealous that some of yall have had "Fall" weather for a while now. Currently in Jax it is still close to 80 or 90 degrees...which makes it hard to wear sweaters and drink hot teas and coffees, but I do it anyway.

So now tell me, what is your favorite thing about Autumn????
I think mine is the changing weather. When it gets cooler outside and you can wear a sweater. *love*


Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Just in case you were searching for some more fun diy crafts to get you ready for Fall (which by the way is in just a couple of days....officially...) here is an awesome one. Found at this cute site.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

fall diys

Just in case you needed some DIYs to get you in the craft/Fall is a crap ton. Seriously, amazing!!!!

You can thank me for the link later....... (wink)

Monday, September 19, 2011

5 loves on monday

Happy Monday!
Am I the only one that thinks today didn't feel like a Monday? (Thank goodness, might I add). I typically despise Mondays, but today was actually pretty good.
Ok, enough of my useless weekly roundup of things I am in love with:

1. this "poster" on pinterest. so true

2. this blog:
it is full of the most adorable ideas from a craft teacher. i want to be like her when i grow up???

3. this flickr idea..... every letter of the alphabet in various fonts. amazing idea and awesome to use for crafting, etc.
my favorite may or may not be the k below.....

4. this blog:
its full of amazing kid craft ideas. i cant wait to use one!!

5. this blog post featuring a round up of notebooks. in love. for realz.

What are you loving online right now??

can you say yum???

pumpkin french toast.
just the thing to get me more in the mood for fall.
DIY found here

Sunday, September 18, 2011

52 lists in 52 weeks// week 16

As if you didn't already know this, I love making lists. I make at least one list everyday..... what I need to do that day, what I need to do the next day, what I need to buy from the store, what I need to talk to other people about, what I want to do today if I get extra time, what crafts I still have to work on, which friends I need to catch up with, what drinks at Starbucks I need (yes need) to try. My life is completely made of lists and I love it. It keeps me on track, it reminds me of my priorities and it gives me something to look forward to. One of my most made lists is my to do list. Not the today I must do _____. Instead, it's a what I need to accomplish sometime soon list. I started thinking about what was on this list last night and decided that this would be a perfect place to post it. I also am always curious as to what is on other people's lists like this.
So without further adieu....

List # 16:
"My life to do list (to be completed within the near future)."

- find curtains for the bedroom
-prepare the guest room for the new roomie
-clean my clutter
-finish my steven and kellie mini book
- finish Lost series
-finish Gossip Girl series
-make a special gift for my mom and step-dad
-start decorating for Fall
- hook up our blue ray player
-get my finances in order

Your turn!!!!!
And don't forget to link up and put your post on our flickr group!!

5 days until Fall is here!!

I. cannot. wait.
5 days until my absolute favorite time of year. When I can get pumpkins to carve and wear sweaters in hopes of the weather turning cooler (although I might end up just passing out in the 80 degree weather....stay tuned).

How do you prepare for Fall?? a/k/a the best season ever!!


ps this amazing photo found here

Saturday, September 17, 2011

autumn, seriously hurry up

I found this awesome Fall buket list on pinterest and ever since I've been dying to make/follow through on my own!
Hury up Fall, so I can get to all of it!!!

Ok, so your turn....what would be on your Fall buket list?????


Friday, September 16, 2011

i heart fall (time to start journaling)

Last year I participated in the lovely Janel's Fall journaling class. (So much fun I must say) and this year I decided to kinda try it again (on my own). My schedule has been so crazy hectic that I know trying to keep on a schedule just won't work, so I put together this little minibook (repurposed from an old encyclopedia, random odds and ends, and scrapbooking papers). I really like how it turned out and I can't wait to start journaling about my favorite season!!!!

I know that Autumn doesn't "offically" start until Spetember 22/23, but I can't wait that long. My favorite season is almost here and I just wish it would hurry it's butt up already. I'm excited to start decorating, pick out pumpkins to carve, have my first pumpkin spice latte of the Fall, the chilly weather to arrive, and Halloween candy to eat.

What is it about Autumn you love???


p.s. last fall (during the month of October) I posted something Fallish everyday on here.....this year I think I'm going to be even more ridiculous and post every day during fall. pinterest has seriously given me some amazing inspirational ideas and i honestly just want to get pumped up as much as i can for this season.
hope you'll come back to visit and see all the fall awesomeness!!!!!

fashion friday/// week 7

Blogger: popculture afternoon
Classy. Chic. And those sparkly shorts???? LOVE Some looks I like the most from this pretty blond:

Blogger: mallory makes things
I think that I love reading this lady's blog so much because she seems so down to earth and real. Her fashion is also her own. She doesn't copy, she just is who she is and I love that!!!

Such pretty styles. *sigh*
Have a great weekend!!!!