Thursday, October 17, 2013

single in the city

Lately this place has been quiet. I've thought about posting, but then when I sit down to do it I just can't figure out what I want to say or share. 

October has been my favorite months for awhile. It always holds a fresh start (Fall) and lovely traditions. It also has a particular day that I look forward to every year in hope of something good occurring on it. (See here, here, here, and here.) But October has brought me only 2 things- one good and one terrible, horrible,  no good, very bad thing (I got that from this cute kid's book,fyi). 

Good- my little pup turned the big 1!! I can't believe she's not a puppy anymore!

Bad- Steven and I broke up. I'm still trying to put into words how I feel about this and I just can't seem to manage the appropriate ones. It's a difficult situation after a 3 1/2 year relationship. And while I am putting this factoid out there, I don't plan on discussing it here. But life will be extremely different and I guess that goes for this little blogger space too. 
Stay tuned......

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