Wednesday, May 30, 2012

52 lists in 52 weeks// list 52

List 52 (the last one): Things I am currently obsessing over.

- salads (especially fruit ones from Panera and Ale House)

- books on Henry VIII's reign (like The Other Boleyn Girl and The Boleyn Inheritance, etc).

-The Tudors (speaking of Henry VIII and his wives....)

- finding a job for the fall (in case my current one didn't work out)

- crossing things off my 25 before 26 list

- how to say goodbye to my students (especially those that I won't see next year)

- pancakes

- finding the perfect maxi dress, which I found thanks to this awesome blog post and old navy!!

- what color to make my hair. keep it brown or switch it back to it's original blond?

What does your list look like??


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