Wednesday, May 30, 2012

52 lists in 52 weeks// round-up

I can't believe that my 52 lists are finally over.

 This project stretched me more than I thought it would to be creative in constantly coming up with lists. But it was fun. And I loved it.

I know that I haven't always been timely in posting the lists, but I am so thankful to those of you that followed (even if you came in late).

And who knows, maybe I will do this again one day.

In case you missed one, or just want a complete you go.


  1. wow! It's been a year already?! Thanks much for hosting this project. Though it was difficult at times, I thoroughly enjoyed it!

  2. This was the most fun. I got behind a lot of time but I'm so glad I kept going.

    Thank you so much for this and coming up with the list each week. If you do another one I'm in.

  3. Thanks!! This was great...I just have my last few lists to print out and I'll be done!! LOVED IT!!

  4. I started in January and have been faithful since then. I blog my list and know they will be great to use for scrapbooking later on (or my Project Life album). I pinned you so I could get inspiration from your lists. Have a great day!


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Thanks for stopping by. :)