I have
never been a morning person. Even as a little kid I would sleep in Saturday mornings, missing the weekend morning cartoons (much to my parents' dismay). But I have just always enjoyed staying up late and sleeping in the next day.
However, today was different. Today Leigh and I decided that we would venture out to the beach and watch the sun rise. While to those that know us, this either sounds like a blatant lie or may now be worried about our sanities, I assure you that all is well. Better than, actually.
After too long a time in being comfortable with the life I was barely living, I decided that today would be a fresh start for me. I have BIG plans for my future from here on out. I want to live everyday doing what will make my future self proud. This includes continuing the great changes I've been implementing in my life (i.e. drinking LOTS of water, going to the gym, and reading more) as well as making new goals (i.e. looking at things from a new perspective and trying things I would otherwise be scared to try).
So here's to a new chapter in my life.
And for those of you that did not believe the beach sun rise trip, look below. Yup, pictures to prove it!!! :)

We also made our way downtown to the best little bookstore to scope out some new reads. Something about the cool weather and being downtown on a sunny, beautiful day that makes me heart happy.

I hope you are all enjoying your Saturdays.
Much love,