Saturday: Leigh, Jeff K., Jessica, and I all headed to middle Florida to hear/see Donald Miller!!!
It was amazing. Both he and Susan Isaacs were great. Surprisingly (or maybe not so much) I was nervous to meet Donald Miller. I've read almost all of his books and each one has inspired me greatly to try new things, try to make a better story, to be a better Christian, daughter, friend, writier, artist, everything. Read his books if you haven't yet!!!
The drive down was so awesome. Full of starbursts and singing! I love my friends!

**Us with Donald Miller!

** Us with Susan Isaacs

I also bought her book- looks soooooooo good!!! Can't wait to dive in.

I also bought a bright pink shirt that has the above quote about sarcasm. I think it fits me perfectly!!!
We also enjoyed a late night Denny's run after the talks. Nothing like greasy breakfast food and amaxing conversation with your best buddies!
Sunday: My bestie gave her first sermon at the church she is currently the youth pastor for. My mom scanned the bulletin and sent it to us. She was soooooo amazing. Inspiring and funny. She held my attention captive, taught us new things and I was so proud of her that I almost cried (ok, maybe without the almost....).

**Before our way to church that morning**
** My bestie, Leigh and I! ** (Leigh-If you are reading this right now: I love you soooooooooo much. You were amazing!!!!)
And of course I made everyone take group shots after. Although my parents had already left to get us a table for lunch. :( And a few other friends had already left by the time we were all able to take thes pics.....
Overall, last weekend was AMAZING. So many good things, so many great people, new memories and food!
This weekend is also a crazy busy one! Must get back to baking!!
Much love and hope you're weekend is fun, fun!!!!
<3 kelZ