Today started out crappy, really, really crappy.
Maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Maybe it was because I was late to work, or maybe it was the horribel traffic that delayed me an extra half an hour...... Or maybe it was getting chewed out a bit at work, or feeling secondbest to a friend or two. In acutality, it was a combination of all of these I'm sure.
I hate these moods, the ones where you are so sad and you just can't get out of it. But luckily with some mom time, coffee, and some food I was okay again. Which I am thankful for. Yesterday was so incredible and I really didn't want it ruined. I wanted to stay in that estatically happy mood for as long as humanly possible! Thankfully for me I have a great support system and they always help me out (whether I have to call them all in or just a few), they always know how to help. :)
So after my lunch I surfed the internet a little bit for some inspiration to keep me going. Weheartit.com; elsiecake.com; modcloth.com, shopruche.com; flickr.com....you all helped. Thank you!!!!!