Then I cam across Emma's blog post on how to make her "green bean bites":

So I decided to try my hand at making my own version. Granted, the final project isn't as pretty as either TGIFridays nor Emma's but I think for a first time, they turned out pretty well....
-green beans (i used a whole bag of frozen)
-Parmesan cheese
-crescent roll dough
-Put the package (or half) of frozen green beans in a hot of water and bring to a boil. Then simmer. Follow the package instructions, but leave green beans in for 5 minutes, or until beans are ready.
-Drain Green Beans and put them on paper towels to dry.
-As the green beans are drying, lay the crescent roll dough out and take strips of the dough, and roll them in the Parmesan cheese, untilw covered on both sides.
-Once the green beans are dry, roll the dough around each bean separately and place them on a pan.
-Put the beans on the pan in the oven at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes, or until the dough is crispy brown.
The final thing should look like this:
Mmm those look so good! I saw them on Emma's blog but now that I've seen yours I want to make them even more! :)
wow I have never heard of these before but now I really want to make some!!!
We do a homemade version of this app too! We just dip fresh green beans in a Panko (Japanese breading) mix and deep fry them! Dip them in Wasabi Ranch and you've got yourself a yummy treat. We think that the veg cancels out the deep fried a little bit.
Those look so yummy!!
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