Mae- The Everglow CD. No matter what my mood is, this cd seems to fit it, whether I'm sad, happy, pissed, whatever. It's the only cd I know of that can do that. Plus, they write the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. If you haven't heard them, you need to.
Carey Grant. Is there really anything else to say about him? OK, well he's British, handsome and I think one of the greatest actors that's ever lived.
Albert Einstein. I wish that I had gotten the chance to meet him. He was intelligent, spiritual and seemed to be one of the nicest people. In some ways I wish I was more like him.
The Beatles. When I was little, my mom use to sing me to sleep with their song "All My Lovin". I've loved them ever since. And in recently watching movies about them or with them, I must say my love for them (and Paul) has grown. I wish bands still made music like this!
Grace Kelly. If I could be any celebrity from the past or present, it would be her. She lived almost every girl's dream. First a successful actress and then fell in love with a prince. Not to mention she was beautiful. To bad the only things we have in common are a name and the blond hair.....
Starbucks coffee!!!!!! This is one of the few things that gets me going in the morning and makes work bearable. I also am a firm believer in Starbucks curing all moods. No joke, whether I am sad, angry, tired, whatever, a drink from Sbuck will cure it! My fave. drink is the ducle de leche which is sadly gone....

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