34 weeks ago I made a list about work.
And today I'm making another one. Only instead of making it a completely positive list, this one is more of a realistic sort.
List 47: Things I've learned from my job. (And if you don't have one, you can be creative and make it "things I've learned from being a student" or stay at home mom (which is a hard-core job if you ask me), etc.).
The point though is to think of all the things you've learned from this area in your life. Whether they are good lessons, or non-examples (which my college classes would call them) that helped teach you what not to do. Everything is a learning experience after all.
My 2 lists (for my 2 jobs):
List 47a: (the law firm):
- When calling a business, one should really use proper phone etiquette.
- When in the lobby of a business, stay off your phone!!!
- Just because you think it's a rush, doesn't mean it is to everyone.
- Don't kill the messenger (in fact, be super sweet to them, because they may be trying to help you more than you think).
- Take your time. Get things done correctly.
- Being nice goes a long way. So go out of your way to be friendly.
- Life is more about who you know than what you know.
- When it's someone's livelyhood, be very careful how you treat it.
- Money tears family apart. Even in death.
- No one is perfect.
- Not all lawyers are bad.
- Always bring a sweater.
List 47b: (school):
- Most of the time kids just want to please you, so don't be so hard on them.
- Communication is everything.
- Go beyond what is asked of you. Everyone has to do it in order to be an effective team, so do it.
- Kids need love and attention. Like a lot.
- Any and every time they do something good, praise them!! It works a whole lot better than punishing them when they are bad.
- Don't yell or raise your voice (or try extremely hard not to). To get their attention instead create games, etc.
- Kid hugs are the best.
- They are still kids. They still need to act like kids.
- Give them as much outside time as possible.
- My singing voice should not be allowed! (or at least with older kidos)
- Younger kids seem to follow directions better when things are in a sing-song.
- Snacking is the only way you'll eat.
-Use the restroom as much as you can when you have a spare second (cause they are rare).
- Respect (for kids and adults) goes a long way.
So your turn...what's on your list??
Friday, April 27, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
a new workout schedule??
A couple things about me (you know, so you can understand the rant I'm about to go on)......
First of all, I love sleep. If it were a person, I'd marry it (sorry Steven). I love it so much that since I can remember it has been extremely difficult to wake up and anyone that usually tries to wake me before I'm ready....well let's just say it's not the easiest task.
I remember in middle school I would be late all the time because I just couldn't/wouldn't get out of bed (okay maybe some things don't change...). My dad tried an incentive/reward system with me to try and help. If I could get out of bed and be on time for school for a week I'd get something awesome. But honestly, Channing Tatum could be standing outside my door, naked, with chocolate and I'm pretty sure I'd still stay in bed (sorry again Steven).
I also am not the biggest fan of working out. One, I feel like I never have the time. I work from 8:30 until 6 (without a lunch break) everyday. By the time I get home it's dinner time and then my night is gone. I've tried to fit in a work out anyway, but I feel like there's either no time or I'm too exhausted from my day. I also like to pretend sometimes that I have a perfect body and therefore do not need to work out (ha!!) But illusions can only last so long I suppose.
So this morning I woke up (surprisingly, even with Steven's help) at 6:30. I got up (reluctantly after pro/conning staying in bed versus the gym) and actually got a nice little work out in. Strangely, even though it was a bit difficult, it wasn't anything like I'd imagined. And I'm starting to wonder if maybe I've found my ideal time to work out. Which makes me laugh, because so many people have told me to try this and I've literally laughed in their faces. (If you were one of them, I'm sorry!)
the new and improved (?)
ps- Since this is the first and so far only day this has occured, I do realize that there is a HUGE possibility that I will look back on this post in a month and laugh at myself. Or maybe I'll keep it up..... we shall see.
First of all, I love sleep. If it were a person, I'd marry it (sorry Steven). I love it so much that since I can remember it has been extremely difficult to wake up and anyone that usually tries to wake me before I'm ready....well let's just say it's not the easiest task.
I remember in middle school I would be late all the time because I just couldn't/wouldn't get out of bed (okay maybe some things don't change...). My dad tried an incentive/reward system with me to try and help. If I could get out of bed and be on time for school for a week I'd get something awesome. But honestly, Channing Tatum could be standing outside my door, naked, with chocolate and I'm pretty sure I'd still stay in bed (sorry again Steven).
I also am not the biggest fan of working out. One, I feel like I never have the time. I work from 8:30 until 6 (without a lunch break) everyday. By the time I get home it's dinner time and then my night is gone. I've tried to fit in a work out anyway, but I feel like there's either no time or I'm too exhausted from my day. I also like to pretend sometimes that I have a perfect body and therefore do not need to work out (ha!!) But illusions can only last so long I suppose.
So this morning I woke up (surprisingly, even with Steven's help) at 6:30. I got up (reluctantly after pro/conning staying in bed versus the gym) and actually got a nice little work out in. Strangely, even though it was a bit difficult, it wasn't anything like I'd imagined. And I'm starting to wonder if maybe I've found my ideal time to work out. Which makes me laugh, because so many people have told me to try this and I've literally laughed in their faces. (If you were one of them, I'm sorry!)
the new and improved (?)
ps- Since this is the first and so far only day this has occured, I do realize that there is a HUGE possibility that I will look back on this post in a month and laugh at myself. Or maybe I'll keep it up..... we shall see.
Monday, April 23, 2012
amazing april weekend
5 loves on monday
Yet another Monday. I must admit that I was a little uneasy about this one. While I was excited to sub this morning, I also was on my own for a lot of things and wasn't entirely looking forward to it. But I have some great co-workers and I also underestimate myself....so it turned out better than expected.
Now I'm just home, resting and watching Lost.....I only have 2 weeks left to finish the series!!
Anyway..... 5 things I am absolutely loving this week:
1. this idea sounds so awesome! and i want to set aside a week to actually do this....
2. an awesome e course...and only 5 bucks! heck ya!
i already signed up....your turn!

3. I seriously want to live in this place! And the closet is to die for!!
4. This home has the most amazing kitchen! It also use to be an old school house.

5. and while we're speaking of homes...this blog has some amazing real life home tours. this linked one is my all time favorite though!

Now I'm just home, resting and watching Lost.....I only have 2 weeks left to finish the series!!
Anyway..... 5 things I am absolutely loving this week:
1. this idea sounds so awesome! and i want to set aside a week to actually do this....
2. an awesome e course...and only 5 bucks! heck ya!
i already signed up....your turn!

3. I seriously want to live in this place! And the closet is to die for!!
4. This home has the most amazing kitchen! It also use to be an old school house.

5. and while we're speaking of homes...this blog has some amazing real life home tours. this linked one is my all time favorite though!

5 loves on monday,
dream home,
week in the life
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Anyway, since our camping trip was no longer an option we all decided to play a little pretend camping. You know, all the things you do during a camping trip....
We went to the pool and hot tub (instead of tubing).
And grilled out.
We made smores in the fireplace (instead of camp fire).
Steven played his guitar around the coffee table (instead of around the fire).
We played card games like apples to apples too.
All in all, it turned out to be a fun little camping-ish time. Granted, it still wasn't camping, but I'd like to think we all made the best of it and ended up having a pretty awesome time too.
The only thing we didn't end up doing (which bummed me out a little) was set up the tent in the living room.... hahaha
Happy (almost Monday).
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Today felt shorter than yesterday.
Today makes it one step closer to the weekend.
Today I watched Monsters, Inc. with my students, because it was raining outside.
Today I had dinner with my good friend Erica.
Today I counted all the many blessings in my life.
Today is one more day I have to be grateful for.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
52 lists in 52 weeks// week 46
This week's list was from Listography.
I am seriously more and more in love with this book and I am sooo glad my bestie bought it for me for Christmas!
So this week......If you had an enormous amount of money all of a sudden...what would you do with it?
My list is above!
52 lists and weeks,
Kerri Smith,
Friday, April 13, 2012
spotted moth love

If you haven't heard of this online shop, go there now. Seriously- it's that awesome.
And since I won my March Madness bracket (yes, me a girl in a group full of guys), I had some money burning a hole in my pocket.
So what did I buy??
This stuff, from my new favorite shop:

I am definitely a shopaholic.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
52 lists in 52 weeks// week 45
Let's face it, we never love our work 100% of the time. It's still a 4 letter word....
But when I start to have a bad day, or am feeling overwhelmed at work, I always seem to go back to a certain list of mine.
A list of kid sayings. You know, cause kids say the darnedest things. *True story*
So I've collected a bunch of sayings my students have said this year.

Here they are:
4 year old: Pluto died.
another 4 year old: pluto is a dwarf planet
3rd 4 year old: is pluto for real life?
teacher: what happens next in your story (to 4 year old).
4 year old: the prince marries the princess
4 year old boys: ewwwww
4 year old girl: it's not gross, its beautiful!
me: why would you kid about that?
4 year old: cause thats what 4 year olds do
4 year old boy: i didn't want to laugh, Ms. Stapleton, my body made me do it. it wasn't my thinkin'
other 4 year old boy: how did your body make you do it?
1st 4 year old boy" its magical
teacher: (to 4 year old) its time to go home
the 4 year old: myself is on the way
4 year old: all the other kids left with their grown ups
2nd grader: see whats in the middle?
me: a heart!
2nd grader: that's how i feel about you
3 year old: stop being silly and hold my hand!!
4th grader: don't be surprised if i show my moves....
4 year old: i've had popcorn chicken before. it's chicken with popcorn in it.
4 year old: when i grow up i want to be a rocket man.
I love my students.
Enough said!!!
But when I start to have a bad day, or am feeling overwhelmed at work, I always seem to go back to a certain list of mine.
A list of kid sayings. You know, cause kids say the darnedest things. *True story*
So I've collected a bunch of sayings my students have said this year.

Here they are:
4 year old: Pluto died.
another 4 year old: pluto is a dwarf planet
3rd 4 year old: is pluto for real life?
teacher: what happens next in your story (to 4 year old).
4 year old: the prince marries the princess
4 year old boys: ewwwww
4 year old girl: it's not gross, its beautiful!
me: why would you kid about that?
4 year old: cause thats what 4 year olds do
4 year old boy: i didn't want to laugh, Ms. Stapleton, my body made me do it. it wasn't my thinkin'
other 4 year old boy: how did your body make you do it?
1st 4 year old boy" its magical
teacher: (to 4 year old) its time to go home
the 4 year old: myself is on the way
4 year old: all the other kids left with their grown ups
2nd grader: see whats in the middle?
me: a heart!
2nd grader: that's how i feel about you
3 year old: stop being silly and hold my hand!!
4th grader: don't be surprised if i show my moves....
4 year old: i've had popcorn chicken before. it's chicken with popcorn in it.
4 year old: when i grow up i want to be a rocket man.
I love my students.
Enough said!!!
52 lists and weeks,
Monday, April 9, 2012
Easter Weekend

This past weekend was such a good one. It just went by way too fast.
Steven and I went down to his hometown Friday and hung out with his family all weekend. We played Cornhole, told stories, watched tv, and on Sunday went to the Sunrise Mass at the beach. I've never gone before and I am so glad I did. It was one of the most amazing things I've ever experienced. Just feeling God in all that He's created, as the sun came up over the waves. Beautiful. Perfect.
Today I had to go back to work (well, one of them), but I had a half day. And I took full advantage of it. I had lunch with Steven downtown (he had jury duty), then handed out resumes, went to the pool and played croquet, and then cleaned my closet (which is part of my "clean project", a part of my list 43).
Now it's time to work on some minibooks, clean a little bit more, and finish watching Gossip Girl!
Happy Monday everyone!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Sunday, April 1, 2012
52 lists in 52 weeks// week 44
Last month I made some goals. I reached some, but not all of them. But I'm kind of use to that. I don't always expect to make each one, but I want to strive for it at least.
So since today is the start of a new month, I decided it would be a perfect list for this week.
Last month's goals:
In March I will.......
continue to catch up with friends and pen pals (yes with friends, and somewhat with pen pals)
work on being on time (yes, some...)
read at least 2 books (yes, 3)
continue saving money (yes)
take lots of awesome prego pictures for my good friend Jen (yes, 2 shoots and then some at the baby shower)
lose some weight (nope)
In April I want to.....
read at least 2 books
go camping
get tickets for Chicago in June
plan a blogger get together
have an awesome easter (and remember the real reason for the season)
continue using my rebel camera to capture memories
get a bathing suit body back
What's on your to-do list for April?
So since today is the start of a new month, I decided it would be a perfect list for this week.
Last month's goals:
In March I will.......
continue to catch up with friends and pen pals (yes with friends, and somewhat with pen pals)
work on being on time (yes, some...)
read at least 2 books (yes, 3)
continue saving money (yes)
take lots of awesome prego pictures for my good friend Jen (yes, 2 shoots and then some at the baby shower)
lose some weight (nope)
In April I want to.....
read at least 2 books
go camping
get tickets for Chicago in June
plan a blogger get together
have an awesome easter (and remember the real reason for the season)
continue using my rebel camera to capture memories
get a bathing suit body back
What's on your to-do list for April?
52 lists and weeks,
Jen's baby shower
Yesterday my friend Erica and I threw our good friend Jen a baby shower. After kicking her out of the house to get a pedicure, we started (or rather continued our prepping). It was so much fun. Not just the event, but even just the planning it. Erica, God bless her, kept me sane the entire time. There were so many thoughts and plans that I wanted to include, but Erica kept me realistic and the end result of both of our creativity was awesome. And the best part was that our friend and mommy-to-be enjoyed it!
Our theme was "beachy" and we tried to incorporate it into everything. Food, decor, drinks, photobooth props, etc. Since she's having a boy, we also tried to include a lot of blues too.
The end results:

Our theme was "beachy" and we tried to incorporate it into everything. Food, decor, drinks, photobooth props, etc. Since she's having a boy, we also tried to include a lot of blues too.
The end results:

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