Saying goodbye is never easy. There's no simple or nice way of doing it. There is something we always wish had gone differently- something more we had said, something we wish we could take back. It's just never.....enough.
For the last 12 years I've been trying to cope with the death of my father. This week, my best friend lost hers. And it sucks watching her go through this pain. This isn't a club anyone wants to join. It's not a fun club and it definitely isn't one without a fair share of tears.
So obviously, for the past several days I've been thinking about death, about saying goodbye to someone you love deeply. And its difficult to explain and put into words how this feels. Because it feels so much worse than awful. It is so much bigger than terrible. I remember the pain of missing my dad being so unbearable that I couldn't even breathe.
So why am I posting this?
Honestly, I'm not entirely sure.
But there are just all these feelings and emotions that came out this week. And where better to share personal feelings than the very public internet right?
Too soon for sarcasm?
But perhaps the silver lining in this dark, sad place is that these wonderful people we have loved with all our hearts are now in a better place. A place with no pain, no tears, and only love.
I do have a favor to ask of all of you reading this though.... If you could please pray (or if you're not a believer, just your positive energy and love) for my wonderful and beautiful friend. Especially today- as we celebrate her dad's life in a Memorial Service tonight.
With a sad, but grateful heart,
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Erica's love bird bridal shower
This past weekend my good friends and I threw a bridal shower for our beautiful and lovely friend Erica. It turned out even better than I thought it would, which was a relief since we worked on this for months.
Her theme was love birds and we had her color scheme as green and pink.
And pinterest was our best friend during the whole thing.
(WARNING: photo heavy post!)
And above is the beautiful bride to be Erica.
Man I love these wonderful ladies so much!!!
Saturday, May 18, 2013
links, links, links!
Happy Saturday from me and Chlo!!!
16 ways to add some organization to your home. Love this!!
Movie poster cliches. Totally worth checking out.
I'm pretty excited for this new photo camera app, created by some of the most crafty bloggers.
These ideas are pretty ingenious.
10 life changing and amazing sentences.
Photos of the most insane and interesting places all over the world.
This Barcelona home is so perfectly and beautifully finished. I'm kind of smitten. Actually the whole website is pretty inspirational and awesome.
We all have awkward moments, but these 15 are pretty great.
I love this post about Japan. It's a few of their most important words, meanings and helps explain Japanese culture. A must (and quick) read.
This mug is perfect for a teacher...hint hint. hehe
I'm pretty sure I could spend all day shopping at this online store.
How amazing is this necklace?? (Found via this pretty lady's blog.)
Speaking of that awesome blogger, in her link post, she shared this amazing post..... 44 reasons why you're chandler bing. PS- I am totally a chandler! lol
Friday, May 17, 2013
we are dancing machines!!
These were actually taken on my birthday (well, the night before when we went out with friends to celebrate). A friend posted them and I loved them so much I had to share. Plus these are the only pictures I have of Steven and I from my birthday weekend. Shameful, I know.
I'm also pretty sure that about 10 minutes prior to these photos, it turned midnight and I screamed across the patio bar "It's my birthday!!"
I never do anything like this, but for some reason, I channeled my inner Lilly (How I met Your Mother reference) and just let everyone know.

Love this guy!!!
xo- kel
my birthday,
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
the 1,000th post
To some this may just be a number, but to me it's more of an accomplishment. I've been here and working on this site for 6 years. 6 years!!!!
I think about this though and it's almost bittersweet.... yes I've shared a lot here, which is my main reason for loving this space, but I also haven't seen evolve into what I hoped it would be. It's not the inspirational place I planned on.
So now I have a goal! Throughout the next 1000 posts (which hopefully won't take another 6 years) I plan on making this space exactly what I want it to be. Cannot wait.
To some this may just be a number, but to me it's more of an accomplishment. I've been here and working on this site for 6 years. 6 years!!!!
I think about this though and it's almost bittersweet.... yes I've shared a lot here, which is my main reason for loving this space, but I also haven't seen evolve into what I hoped it would be. It's not the inspirational place I planned on.
So now I have a goal! Throughout the next 1000 posts (which hopefully won't take another 6 years) I plan on making this space exactly what I want it to be. Cannot wait.
And now, in honor of are some other numbers.
2007- the year I started this blog
7/3/07- the day I made my first post
26- the age I am now
20- the age I was when I started this blog
1- followers I started with
508- followers my blog currently has
134- page views today
16- giveaways I've had here on the blog
5- jobs I've had since starting this blog
And now some photos....oh the memories (and the hair!!!)
(with my pal Ashley)
Thanks to all of you that have kept (or started) reading my blog. I appreciate every one of you for joining me in my ramblings and stories. Y'all are the best!!! Thank you for hanging in their with me.-kel
Saturday, May 11, 2013
link love
Negative Space artwork- love it!!
I already wanted a window seat/space but this site makes me want it even more!! So many great ideas too!
Rings inspired by Disney princesses. I have to say, Cinderella was always my favorite (and the ring inspired by her is my favorite too!)
I also stumbled upon this blog and am quite smitten. I kinda wish I was her.....
And then there's this wonderful blog!
And this awesome one too!
This might be one of my favorite places in Jacksonville!!
This dress is stunning!!! I want it so badly!
This amazing blogger posted this link for these amazing dolls on her link post. Pretty awesome!
Holy cow, this post makes me want a house now! And I would also like just about everything on this list.
Behind the scenes of some of the best movies.
Fashionista blog on TJ Maxx- kinda in love. And I really want to be one.
Seriously too cute. This artist takes children's drawings and makes them into real stuffed animals!
I'm pretty much in love with everything about this inspiration blog.
Which dog is real? haha
Such an adorable blog and I'm totally jealous/in love with her shop.
Going on a road trip??? You have to check out this site first.
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