instead of posting the letters, i just decided to actually write my parents. i did take a photo though, just to prove i actually did write them!
these 2 are for my mom and step-dad.

we already know how i feel about my mom....she's the best thing since slice bread (and we all know how much i love bread.) she seriously is the best mom ever and one of my favorite people in this world. i love her more than i could ever express in words.
i wrote to my stepdad thanking him for all hes ever done for me. he has been there for me and my mom through countless ordeals, like when i had my wisdom teeth taken out and got sick from the meds they gave me. he stayed at my place all week long, making sure i was okay and making me food i could actually eat. i could never repay him for all the niceness he's showed us.
then theres one more letter i decided to my dad

a few years ago i decided that i would create a memory book for him. its filled with memories (like his favorite drink or show) to pictures of us together. i also add notes every once and awhile, writing things i wish i could say to him. i took this time to write him another one. i miss him like crazy and i hate that hes missing out on such wonderful events in my life....but i know he's in a better place and thats what keeps me going.....