Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

I'm a little sad my Thanksgiving weekend is over. It flew by, as it always does. But there are so many memories I want to cherish from this weekend home to Pensacola.

21 people for Thanksgiving dinner

7 of them being kids

5 variations of sweet potatoes and yams

6 hours of Christmas music home

12 hours of driving to and from

1 new generation to our family

3 nights of bloody marys and daiquiris

1 day of black friday [afternoon] shopping

5 days of endless laughing until you cry moments

2 hours at McGuire's (one of the best Pensacola restaurants)

1 amazing weekend

9 awesome instagram photos to share

one happy kellie

ps you can find more on my instagram account, look me up: kelzify

Monday, November 28, 2011

5 loves on monday

It's almost December and I am seriously so excited! I've been trying to avoid any kind of Christmas music, shopping, etc. until Thanksgiving was over. And now that it is.... Christmas is in full swing for me. So I figured...why not share some amazing holiday links??

1. This is an adorable december daily album. And I want to make one sooo badly!

2. Fred flare's A to Z shopping guide. Just perfect!

3. The most awesome looking craft class for the holidays (with an adorable trailer to boot). Seriously, you have to sign up for this class!

4. I saw this place (in real life, haha) and fell in love with everything there, so when I saw the online store, I fell even more in love.

5. The movie 30 Minutes or Less. (Okay, yes this is not a holiday movie, but I saw it twice recentlty and love it). So if you are in need of a non-holiday movie to watch, seriously, check this one out!


52 lists in 52 weeks/ list 26

Well, Thanksgiving (for us American folks, lol) has come and gone. I can't believe it. But in the spirit of giving thanks, I decided to make this week's list (a day late, I know) all about being thankful, because let's face it, we aren't always the most positive (well I'm not). So.....

Week 26 list: I am thankful for.....

A God who always forgives

A Saviour who lived

A mom is who always there when I need her and makes me laugh

An amazing dad (who I got to know well, if even for a sort time)

Amazing Pensacola friends that always make visiting feel like we've come home

A safe and fun Thanksgiving weekend

South Florida friends that are more like extended family

A family who loves me

My stepdad who always tries to spoil my mom and I

My bestie, who knows me inside and out and yet still loves me

A boyfriend who loves me

My pup Au'bre who is always there to greet me

Coco and Buttons (my former dogs) that made me fall in love with dogs

Not 1, but 2 jobs

Co-workers that I get along with so well

Bosses that make my jobs better places

My working (and pretty) car

My big and comfortable bed that I never want to leave

A cozy home

My Jacksonville friends that are so wonderful

Books and movies that keep me well entertained

Blogs and websites that keep me inspired

Music that makes me happy

Crafts that keep me occupied and happy

Money that keeps a roof over my head and gives me food for my belly

A school that gave me 2 degrees and that I never have to go to again!!

For Christmas music that gets me in the spirit

For church that reminds me of why I'm here

For love that's not always easy to come by

For lazy days

For busy days

For Starbucks coffee that cheers me up

For pumpkin spiced anything because it makes it feel like Fall

For anything and everything that inspires me

Past boyrfiends and friends that taught me valuable lessons

Past teachers that gave me hope for my teaching career

The past that got me to this point

A future that is undecided

Oh and since this is the half-way mark of the 52 weeks of lists, I thought I would leave a little cheat sheet of all the lists done so far (ya know, in case you missed any)!

Post where you can learn more about this project.

WEEK 1: "Today I Will....."

WEEK 2: 10 things I learned from a place I visited, places I visited, or from where I live...."

WEEK 3: Things I learned from my dad (or another parent figure)

WEEK 4: Wish List

WEEK 5: You waiting list of books

WEEK 6: 10 things to let go of

WEEK 7: Things to do on a rainy day

WEEK 8: Ways to be a great companion

WEEK 9: Things I am looking forward to

WEEK 10: Favorite Spaces and Places

WEEK 11: Things I will miss about summer

WEEK 12: 8 Wonderful stunning things about yourself that they do not know

WEEK 13: Things I love about my job

WEEK 14: Wonderful qualities that someone I love possesses

WEEK 15: Things I am obsessed with as of late

WEEK 16: My life to do list (to be completed within the near future)

WEEK 17: Ways to stay creative and inspired

WEEK 18: 10 things I love about Sunday

WEEK 19: 8 stunning and beautiful things about yourself

WEEK 20: Things that make me happy

WEEK 21: Halloween to do list

WEEK 22: Things I love about Halloween (or Fall)

WEEK 23: Things I believe in

WEEK 24: 5 things

WEEK 25: Things/thoughts that keep me up at night

Happy belated Thanksgiving,

Link up here

Friday, November 25, 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

thanksgiving crafts & treats

When I'm not working at the law office (yes, again), I get to work with kids. Pretty amazing, since that's what i actually went to school for.
Yesterday was a half day at our school so in the afternoon I got to hang out with some pretty awesome 2nd and 3rd grade girls. Normally it's not the age range I work with, but yesterday it turned out perfectly because I had tons of crafts and treats I wanted to do with the kids and they turned out to be my perfect audience!

Our crafts:

the tutorial for our turkeys above was found here (and also pinterest)

we also played som Thanksgiving bingo (with candy and cookies as prizes...as if they needed more sugar). The game was created by some awesome craft ladies, and you can find it on their blog. (I stumbled on it from pinterest too).

Then, before oure movie, we made these adorable acorn cookies. The kids were skeptical of making cookies at first, but once they realized there was no baking and it involved hersey kisses, they were totally up for it. They made tons too! The how-to was found on this lovely lady's blog (and you can add the pin to your pinterest from here too).

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!


Monday, November 21, 2011

is fall really almost over?

Cause it totally feels like yesterday was Halloween. And now Thanksgiving is only a few short days away.
In 3 days I will be home stuffing my face full of wonderful food and finally meeting my good friends' baby girl!! I'm pretty excited, not gonna lie!

American pals, what are you doing for Thanksgiving?

happy [soon] turkey day!

ps.... a little halloween photo I forgot to include in October:

Sunday, November 20, 2011

52 lists in 52 weeks// week 25

photo cred

List: Things/thoughts that keep me up at night.
I'm one of those people that stay awake at night for way too long thinking about a million things. My to-dos. What thee next day might be like. What I need to get done the upcoming week. Things I should've done today but didn't, etc. Basically, I over-think and over-analyze which keeps me up a lot of nights. Anyone else guilty of this?

So my list of all the crazy thoughts that keep running through my head at night and keep me up (as of late):

How many more pages left of the book I'm reading?
What do I think will happen next in my book?
What other books do I have to read?
Which book should I read next?
What's on my to-do list this week?
When should I do laundry?
When do I need to pack for Thanksgiving?
How cold is it gonna be this weekend there?
When should I start decorating for Christmas?
What am I going to get people for Christmas?
Who am I going to put on my Christmas gift list?
What time should I wake up tomorrow?
What's the latest I can wake up tomorrow?
What should I do tomorrow night?
What's something I can do to be mushy and surprise Steven with?
What bills do I need to pay?
How am I going to survive getting a smaller paycheck this week (from being sick)?
Am I sick again or is it sinuses?
Can't breathe....stupid stuffed nose.
Fan's too loud...can't sleep.
I wonder what time it is.
If I go to bed now, how many hours of sleep will I end up getting?
I wonder when I'll get to see the new Twilight movie.
I really need to get to the library so I can check out the Twilight books.
Am I pathetic for reading the Twilight books, when y 5th graders are reading them?
When am I going to spend more time crafting?
What else should I include in my Fall scrapbook?
Why won't my computer let me print photos in color anymore?
I wonder if I am tossing and turning too much.
I wish I had gotten water before I got into bed.
Did I really act that ridiculous today?
I need to check my email.
I need to make another pen pal list.
I need to write my pen pals.
I need to get Christmas cards ready to send.
Who should I send Christmas cards to?
How many days until Christmas?

Yea....I think too much. But I did warn you (assuming you actually read this post...if you did, my apologies).
So what's on your list?


Friday, November 18, 2011

fashion friday/// week 13

More fashion favorites.....

Blogger: flashes of style
this lady's style is just too cute for words.

Blogger: 9to5 chic
A dream wardrobe for all of us working gals!


Thursday, November 17, 2011

inspiration thursday (pinterest love)

Not gonna lie, I'm pretty obsessed with pinterest (and that's a tame version of it...but if you have a pinterest account, you totally know what I'm talking about). So here are some pretties I found and had to not only pin onto my pinterest, but share here as well....



Monday, November 14, 2011

5 loves on monday

Another Monday....they just keep happening....

At least I have a list of loves that keep me happy.
5 things I'm in love with this week... (are you ready??)

1. the twilight saga. i may be the last person to get into them, but i finally am up to date on the movies. and i'm contemplating reading the books too.....

2. and speaking of twilight, this pinterest find is amazing!

3. i'm also in love with this amazing giveaway. seriously, check it out!!

4. getting ready for thanksgiving... and by getting ready i mean looking up turkey/fall photos on pinterest and day dreaming about awesome food.

5. the funniest blog there might actually be.... and you must check out her turkey story (the title is about picking your battles).

Hope these help make your monday a great one!