Thursday, October 13, 2011

inspiration thursday (halloween costumes)

It's finally that time of year again.... The "oh crap, I have nothing to wear for Halloween, if I make something I have 2 weeks, if I buy something it will cost half a paycheck, why didn't I just start making a costume last november" time of year.
Yup, thats exactly where I am. To make a costume? Or buy one? Or simply not dress up (which seems a bit anti-hallowween and therefore anti me).

So I searched high and low (on pinterest) and found these awesome/adorable ideas......

What are you planning to be this year????



k said...

Great pics!!

And NO it's not crazy to still be hopeful about Oct are YOUNG and it may not happen for a's a great "thing" to hold on to!!!

Lauren said...

I'm going old school and will be a skeleton this year. Just simple and fun! x