I started making some ornaments,
of course the above ones are my very first ones, so they won't be going anywhere.... hopefully the next batch will be perfect.
I've also been trying to keep to my 25 things on my advent calendar:
In getting out all of my Christmas decorations, I've also stumbled upon a few old ones.... like the ones I was given on my first, second and even fifth Christmas :)
I love finding so many old things.
I also decorated the mantle....and put up a stocking for me and the roomie.
And of course with their recent win, I had to add this ornament to the dining room table.
(and yes we are auburn fans....2 of my uncles went there and my entire family is from alabama).
I also put up snowflakes on the chandelier.....
And here is the before...and during....
and my #1 thing on my advent calendar....put up the wreath :) (check)
I also have been trying to study hard..... I have an exam this Saturday. Boo
ok, maybe I snuck in some fun .....and maybe a few other things too.....
The boyfriend and I also rearranged his room and put his enormous tv in his room. Only a guy would do this.....hahaha
and yes, he is VERY much a Packers fan.
and we are both fsu fans! (which made us very sad to see them lose saturday.)
I also got in some puppy time with my favorite little dogs.
And I got to wear some pretty new sunglasses....like????
How was your weekend? What did you do???
i love your homemade ornaments and advent calender! so sweet. you are making me feel extra christmas-y :)
Kellieeeeee :)
Your fella is adorable! & the flask is sooo cute!!! Did you make your headband?
My weekend consisted of finding green tree lights, making some Etsy orders, & working on Christmas gifts.
(or was that a rhetorical question?) p.s. I love your secret mini book! once my Dec Daily is done, I will definitely give it a go, or who knows I will prob try & do it now! Lol.
Take Care,
JennG (one of your pen pals!)
these pictures are so cute! i love finding old decorations :)
Your advent colour is a brilliant idea! I'm going to make one too. I also love your decorations, headband and sunglasses. Cuttttie! xoxoxox
Your mantle looks so pretty and festive! I love the poinsettas :) And the unpacking of old Christmas decorations is the best. I only had a few to unpack this year, but next year I will have lots more to look forward to unpacking :)
Everything looks so pretty!
I need to start decorating my room soon.
Marja <3
thanks everyone!
and jenn- nope not rhetorical, so glad you answered! your weekend sounds lovely :)
nope, i didn't make this headband, but I did buy it off etsy :) i loooove it.
pst, cant wait to see your mini. please let me know when you make it and post pics!
go noles! i went to fsu :)
My hubsters is a huge Packers fan!
I'm glad we share that! :)
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