Recently I've been working on my goals mini book. The dweeb in me wanted to see what I had done and what I had yet to do. Plus the mini book needed to be organized a little bit too. The book is divided up into (soon-to-be) 3 sections: 2011 goals, 24 before 25 goals, and 2012 goals. I like trying to have all of these in one place.
Here's how I fared with my 2011 goals:
1. travel more. (i suppose I did this by going to a few new places like Key West...but not as much as I had hoped).
2. be better at remembering birthdays. (i tried really hard to remember birthdays and send out cards in advance. i think i kinda did this one half-way.)
3. go to the gym more. (okay, I really failed this one. i'm pretty sure i went 30 days total of the entire year...if that. shame on me.)
4. read at least 10 books that are school unrelated. (score one for me. i read 18. go me!)
5. graduate college. (score 2 for me.)
And stay tuned for my goals for 2012!!!
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