The last couple of books I've read have been amazing! So much so, I read them in a super short amount of time.
Curious yet?
The first book I read was Eat Love Pray.

My friend Ashley let me borrow this book and it is seriously one of my favorites now. I saw the movie awhile ago and I honestly disliked it. A lot.
I was a little apprehensive about reading it, but Ashley assured me it was amazing. Within the first chapter I was hooked and in love.
I think part of the book's charm is that you can relate. Even though I am not in my 30s, nor have I ever been married (let alone divorced) I know heartbreak. I've been there. We've all been there and Elizabeth just knows how to hit home with that reality. She shares her feelings (without bad mouthing her ex) and somehow I just kept feeling "Yes!! That's how I felt exactly! How did you know?"
Her journey in trying to get to know herself again and be able to survive on her own once again was mesmerizing. I constantly felt inspired.
I definitely am glad I read this book and of course recommend it!
Have any of you already read it? Or watched the movie? What were your thoughts??!? Do share.
The other book I read (and yes, I am a little bit embarrassed to admit this.....).
Here's the short version of how this all started.....
I didn't want to read the books or watch the movies. I honestly have been fighting this trend since it's very conception. Then, just a month or so ago it was on tv. Steven told me I should watch it, that I would really like it. It seemed like a me movie apparently. I fought it at first, but then of course gave in and stayed up until 1am watching the damn thing.
I was hooked.
I started watching all the movies (although I haven't gotten to see the newest-so don't ruin it!!). And now I am reading the books (which my 5th and 6th grade students have already beat me on). We have constant talks about the books. No joke.
I love my job.
So I got the first book. And by the way, trying to locate a copy at the library (at any library) was one of the most difficult and annoying tasks. Ever.
But I finished it (today actually) and I cannot wait to read the rest.

Ok, dork moment over with now.
So tell me- how many of you are on the Twilight bandwagon with me? And how do you think the movies and books compare? I'm seriously curious!!
I am 40 yrs. old and have read the Twilight books more than 4 times. I usually reread them right before the next movie comes out. I love the story even if it's fantasy.
The movies are good, they put a face to the characters in the book for me. I know Stephenie Meyer said the characters were different looking in her head. My Husband and I have seen every movie on opening night with all the teens and some adults.
I also read and saw Eat Pray Love. I love both. I've been through a divorce so I can really relate. I saw it and thought how awesome it would be to travel to all these places to see and learn all she did. It is the hardest thing to trust another person with your heart, but if you do it, it can be the most rewarding thing. I've been married now for almost 9 years and we've been together for almost 14. So happy.
I'm a book nerd too, both real books and ebooks on my Ipad. I am constantly reading a book and read anything except horror. I now keep a list on of my books to go back and look at what I have read. I wish I'd done this all along. 2 or 3 years ago I read 100 books in 1 year. Have a Merry Christmas.
I set a Book Review task to a class of 8 stidents and 2 of them reviewed Twilight. So I thought I'd better check it out, if only to keep up with what my students are into. I loved the first 3, which I'd borrowed, and was forced to buy the 4th in hardbook so I could take it on holiday (I don't often shell out for hardbacks).
I haven't read, or seen, Eat, Pray, Love, but it sounds like something I might enjoy. i'll put it on mjy list
Hi, merry christmas!! I read eat pray love, in spanish though and i reallyyy like it. I watched the movie after reading the book and i don't remember my opinion about movie v/s book haha BUT i do remember that in the movie they changed the names of her love, at the end. And about Twilight, i'm still on negation-mode. I've saw a couple of movies but i don't feel like reading it
I have to read Eat, Pray, Love. My friend recommended it to me last week saying I should read that, because she think that the main character's from the book has very similar outlook on life to mine... She said it is very inspiring.
i have books that stalk me; begging me to read them. One of them was Eat, Pray Love. i finally read it last year and I liked it. Still have not seen the movie though. I paid the book forward and gave it to someone in my school building.
Oh the Twilight bandwagon....I have been on it before the movies even hit the theaters. i love a great vampire story as well as a good love story. Granted I am not a fan of Bella as i feel she is too dependent on someone else for their happiness and is a little too unselfish for my tastes. I also think these books are a Vampires for Beginners books -- meaning young adults should read these first and then go onto the harder stuff like Clive Barker, Bram Stoker, John Carpenter, and so on.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Eat Pray Love~ It is seriously my life :) Aside from a year of traveling and meeting a new love but you know what I mean! :)
I haven't read or seen any Twilight~ Just finished The Hunger Games series yesterday~ loved it!
Oh dear heavens. I have some catching up to do :) haha. I'll work on getting it read this week :)
I really want to read Eat, Pray, Love!! I didn't like the movie that well, but I've heard from several people that book is amazing.
As for Twilight, I loved the books. The movies are just kinda so-so to me. I should have been the director! haha!
I disliked the movie Eat Pray Love, also and don't know if I could make it through the book.
I love the Twilight series (books and movies) and have from the get go! So glad you are on the bandwagon!
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