1. i use to love playing basketball (in elementary school i even created my own team- with all boys of course) but now i can't even stand to watch it
2. most of the time i'd rather watch a war movie than a love story
3. i loathe grocery store shopping. i'll put it off until i'm living on saltines and hafta go
4. i get crazy motion sickness. i use to be able to ride on roller coasters over and over again, but now even just being on a swing makes me feel like im gonna puke
5. when im home alone and doing chores, i play frank sinatra, but when im home alone and cooking i play fun dance music......a little mixed up i know
6. everytime i use sleeping bags i get really sick the next day
7. for the longest time i refused to drink water, because my dad joked that it rusted your insides (a medieval belief) and i actually believed him
8. for a long time i convinced myself that i didn't want to ever get married or have kids (mainly because i was scared it would just never happen) but in truth, i cant wait to one day be a wife and mom (one day)
9. my mom is one of my best friends. i tell her just about everything
10. i use to be anti- Jim Carey, Adam Sandler, Will Farrell, and Jack Black, but now I really like their movies. okay, more like love
11. in high school i took a woodshop/how to fix things around the house and your car course. i was the only girl in a class of 30 guys and i loved it. theyd help me with stuff i couldnt figure out or didnt want to do. it was like having a class with 30 brothers
12. one of my favorite things about visiting my family is all we do is sit around and talk, eat and nap. and we'll plan our days around when and what we're eating.
13. one of my favorite things about visiting my other side of the family is that one sunday mornings we sit around chatting and drinking bloody marys
14. everytime i go home to pensacola i try to get a bushwacker (it's a drink- even obama tried it)! lots of places have it, but the true and auh-mazing place that knows just how to make them is Sandshakers in pensacola, fl. its soooo good. (milkshake and alcohol mixed together? yes please)
15. i use to hate shopping with a passion. after an hour i'd feel like i was gonna go crazy if we didn't haul ass out. now, i'm totally addicted to shopping- i could shop all day and be a happy camper. :) and my favorite things to shop for: purses and dresses
Did you start your 30 days today? If so, share them!!! I can't wait to see and learn more about yall.
Post a link to your day 1 in the comment section so i can follow along!! :) please!!!!
Mmmm I clearly need a Bushwacker!! I'm a FL girl and hadn't heard of those before.
Aw, that's great that you and your mom are so close!
love this I really think I might do this too~
we are so alike on #8 haha i didn't even steadily date anyone until i was 19, which is so uncommon in the small town i'm from haha
You won't be watching the Heat this season? C'mon!
hi there. im a new follower and i decided to follow suit and do the 30 day challenge. here's my day one.
ps: my husband and i are youth leaders too. :]
Hey lovely lady! I'm starting this tomorrow so thanks so much for the inspiration!!! x0x0x0x
I'm with you on the Jack Black, Will Ferrell, etc. I went through that phase too.
Here's my list!
haha.. Know what you mean about the bushwackers! Pretty awesome..
I started my 30 days yesterday :-) http://www.niceties.co.nz
I read about you starting yours and I decided to give it a go too :)
yours are interesting, mine on the other hand.... haha
Starting mine tomorrow! That thing about the water made me laugh out loud! x
Just posted my 15! http://manystepssideways.blogspot.com/2010/08/ah-hoy.html
I totally get motion sick easily too! Frustrating! Ugh.
I liked learning new things about you! I love these posts.
I love war movies too! But like real ones, not Pearl Harbour. The Great Escape is one of my all time favourites, although that's POWs but you get the point. I loved reading your 15 randoms. You're such a quirky lady, haha.
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