Good news, I sent out the email with the July and August pen pals!!! If you didn't get it and sent me an email to sign up, please let me know.
If you want to join and are just now seeing this, I can go ahead and sign you up for the next round OR wait until a later time to do so (I'll mention it again on here when I start the new list).
I ended up not splitting the list (hope none of you are upset about that), so it is rather large. However, just write to as many gals as you can. :) No pressure, remember it's suppose to stay fun!!!!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wednesday Wishes

today, i cant help but wish......
1. go to the love parade
2. get lost in a library. get lost in some books :)
3. for the rain to go away. tonight is my sister night and her kidos and i typically go to the pool, but if its raining we are trapped inside and get grumpy. last week we were teaching the littlest one (5) to swim. sooooo stinkin cute.
4. Pierogies. my step dad makes the BEST. no joke. but they take forever to make, so he only makes them on special occasions.
What are you wishing for???
Don't forget to check out Liz's, Karlie's, Katie's, and Courtney's Wednesday wishes :)
lovlovelovelovelove YOU
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
yay for surveys
So, I was tagged by this lovely lady to answer a few survey questions.... so here they are :)
1. What is a blog that you follow that people may be surprised that you read?

3. What is the most you've paid for a pair of shoes, and where did you buy them?
4. Out of all the things to do around the house, what is the thing you enjoy doing the most?
tough one- probably sleep tho. i loooooove my bed.

7. Got any plans for the 4th of July?
bible study and church (but i canceled youth). other than that nope, not yet
1. What is a blog that you follow that people may be surprised that you read?
hmmm. i don't think i follow any that would surprise anyone acutally.
2. What classic movies do you have on DVD?
peyton place, where the boys are, and a ton of alfred hitchcock (his movies are awesome)

3. What is the most you've paid for a pair of shoes, and where did you buy them?
um 90 bucks- and they are bcbgirl
4. Out of all the things to do around the house, what is the thing you enjoy doing the most?
tough one- probably sleep tho. i loooooove my bed.
5. What do you order at Starbucks?
it depends on my mood. yes im that girl....

my comfort drink- chai latte with soy milk and a pump of vanilla
my i need a caffeine drink but im cold- hot white chocolate mocha latte
my i need a caffeine drink but im hot- iced caramel machiato
and my new favorite- rasberry mocha frap (yum)
6. Vacation: are you more of a Colorado girl or a Florida girl?
ok- well i've lived in FL my entire life. but id answer with both. we have the BEST beaches, but i do like the mountains too and i would love to visit denver in the summer
7. Got any plans for the 4th of July?
bible study and church (but i canceled youth). other than that nope, not yet
8. What summer movie are you looking forward to seeing?
i really want to see the cameron diaz and tom cruise movie, but as you can tell i forgot the name. haha
Now, I'm tagging..........YOU
Just answer these 8 questions on your blog and leave a post in the comment section with a link to the post so i can see :) Fun right???
1. What are some nicknames people have given you?
2. What is your dream job?
3. Do you prefer the beach or the pool?
4. What's one thing about you that might surprise us in learning?
5. What has been your favorite place to visit?
6. Do you have any pets? If so tell us about them. :)
7. Do you have a secret talent? What is it???
8. What is your favorite food?
happy tuesday loves!
fact tuesday,
Monday, June 28, 2010
5 loves on monday
another monday, another wonderful love list. :)

yes shes crazy, but honestly i love that she doesn't give a crap about what people think about her. and whether you admit it outloud or not, you know her music is catchy and pretty dang awesome to dance to.

happy monday loves!!!
1. my bestie
(you can find her blog here)
and today is her birthday!!!!!!!
im pretty bummed that i cant spend it with her tho.
leigh, if youre reading this- i love you!!!! happy birthday!!!
2. this movie quote
i lovelovelove this movie and this quote is by far one of my favorites.
3. lady gaga

yes shes crazy, but honestly i love that she doesn't give a crap about what people think about her. and whether you admit it outloud or not, you know her music is catchy and pretty dang awesome to dance to.
4. toms

perhaps the most comfortable shoes EVER. and such a great cause to. i want like 50 more pairs.
5. this photo (found on weheartit)
so adorable right?
happy monday loves!!!
5 loves on monday,
short & sweet
I'm going to keep this short and sweet, because honestly I think it's a bit ridiculous that I should feel the need to explain myself.....
First off, most of my friends have been amazing. Seriously, I feel so incredibly blessed to have yall in my life, whether I know you via real life or blog. Yall are what keep me sane, no joke. And I love that those of you that are true friends haven't asked me to explain myself. I'm a true believer that friends don't need to explain themselves- they shouldn't have to.
So here's the jist of it....
I'm happy. Super freaking happy.
In fact, I can't remember the last time I smiled this much. Some of it is because of my amazing friends (like you!) and family, some of it is from not being in a relationship that was killing my self-confidence, some of it from just knowing how awesome God is and that He's always going to be taking care of me, and some of it is because of a new boy.
While the new boy thing may seem sudden (it seems kinda like that for me too), it's amazing. For such a long time I felt like I was just an option to boys I liked- and guess what? I'm more than that and this guy knows that!
I knew the ex stopped caring about me a long time ago and for reasons that will remain only between us, we ended things. Then this new boy came along. He's one of the best things that's happened to me. Some may not understand how it all happened so fast, but those that saw how my last relationship was, completely understand. And those that have seen how happy I am with the new boy, also get it. Therefore, I don't feel the need to explain myself or how this happened so quickly, because it doesn't matter. He knows he's not a rebound, everyone knows my distaste of cheating(and that I would never), and everyone around me knows how happy I am because of this guy and I think that's all that matters.
However, I did want to share the happy news about the new and wonderful boy. :)
So please, if you want to comment, leave only happy comments, because seriously, there's no need for any other kind.
First off, most of my friends have been amazing. Seriously, I feel so incredibly blessed to have yall in my life, whether I know you via real life or blog. Yall are what keep me sane, no joke. And I love that those of you that are true friends haven't asked me to explain myself. I'm a true believer that friends don't need to explain themselves- they shouldn't have to.
So here's the jist of it....
I'm happy. Super freaking happy.
In fact, I can't remember the last time I smiled this much. Some of it is because of my amazing friends (like you!) and family, some of it is from not being in a relationship that was killing my self-confidence, some of it from just knowing how awesome God is and that He's always going to be taking care of me, and some of it is because of a new boy.
While the new boy thing may seem sudden (it seems kinda like that for me too), it's amazing. For such a long time I felt like I was just an option to boys I liked- and guess what? I'm more than that and this guy knows that!
I knew the ex stopped caring about me a long time ago and for reasons that will remain only between us, we ended things. Then this new boy came along. He's one of the best things that's happened to me. Some may not understand how it all happened so fast, but those that saw how my last relationship was, completely understand. And those that have seen how happy I am with the new boy, also get it. Therefore, I don't feel the need to explain myself or how this happened so quickly, because it doesn't matter. He knows he's not a rebound, everyone knows my distaste of cheating(and that I would never), and everyone around me knows how happy I am because of this guy and I think that's all that matters.
However, I did want to share the happy news about the new and wonderful boy. :)
So please, if you want to comment, leave only happy comments, because seriously, there's no need for any other kind.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
dreaming of cute things
like these pretties....

from my friend Lindsay's new etsy store. :)
I'm so excited for her, she's worked her butt off in making these cuties and it's totally paid off. So go visit her store, you'll be sure to fall in love :)

from my friend Lindsay's new etsy store. :)
I'm so excited for her, she's worked her butt off in making these cuties and it's totally paid off. So go visit her store, you'll be sure to fall in love :)
back to school, back to school

I have no idea why I do this to myself, but the first day back to school always makes me highly anxious. I hate them! There's the not knowing what the class will be like, how nice/easy the professor will be, how many annoying/jerk students will be your classmates, and the most important...where am I going to sit? (Or maybe the worst is not knowing if I'm going to pass...toss up really).
I know it's no biggie, I've been in school for like 20 years now, but still I allow myself to get all worked up. Although, it doesn't help that this class is four hours a night for 2 nights a week. Bleh.
But on the bright side (and steering away from my debbie downer school self) it is my LAST class. LAST one. After this, no more college! Done. Finished. Fin. :)
Oh Lord, pleaseeeeee with a cherry on top let me pass this stupid class.
Am I the only one that freaks out like this about first days?
happy thursday loves!
Inspiration thursday (with Janel from Run with Scissors)
Yay for another lovely lady that was willing to let me feature her here.
I lovelovelove Janel (and I'm sure if you've seen her blog/photos/creations/etc. before you love her too!) She's one of those ladies that just brightens up your day by both her creativity and her sweetness. She radiates love and is a constant source of inspiration for me. There are just not enough words to describe this pretty lady...
Your name: Janel

Where can we find you?
My blog is http:iheartrunwithscissors.com
on Twitter you can find me here http://twitter.com/jbarnholtz
on Flickr, you can find me here http://www.flickr.com/photos/jbarnholtz/
What's next for you?
Well, I am working on my Etsy shop, planning a huuuuge update at some point. In my personal life, my husband and I are starting to get ready to adopt. It's a huge thing that we both have dreamed about before we even knew each other. I am really excited to be a mom someday!
5 things that make you happy!
diet dr. pepper, soft pretzels, polaroid film, glitter, and vintage

Where do you find inspiration?
I find a lot of my inspiration from other blogs, flickr, catalogs, and my surroundings.
How do you get and stay motivated??
I make lists, I adore lists :) I live to cross things off. If I can cross something off of my list, or get a sticker for completing something, I stay very motivated. It's silly but true.
Where's one place you would LOVE to travel to if you could?
Hands down, New Zealand. I have wanted to go there as long as I can remember. The people, the culture, the scenery, the history...AMAZING!
Give us 1 random or funny or interesting fact/tidbit about YOU!!!
In high school, I had a pet turtle named Shaquille O'Niel :) Random!!
I lovelovelove Janel (and I'm sure if you've seen her blog/photos/creations/etc. before you love her too!) She's one of those ladies that just brightens up your day by both her creativity and her sweetness. She radiates love and is a constant source of inspiration for me. There are just not enough words to describe this pretty lady...
Your name: Janel

Where can we find you?
My blog is http:iheartrunwithscissors.com
on Twitter you can find me here http://twitter.com/jbarnholtz
on Flickr, you can find me here http://www.flickr.com/photos/jbarnholtz/

and we have a sweet sweet chihuahua named Catalina (we call her Cat). 
I love the blogging community so much and feel so thankful to meet such amazing people through it (like Kellie)!
Favorite craft or hobby?
This changes like weekly but right now I have to say sewing. I have gotton back into making quilts and pillows, and other vintage inspried items and it's a full time obsession right now :)

I love the blogging community so much and feel so thankful to meet such amazing people through it (like Kellie)!
Favorite craft or hobby?
This changes like weekly but right now I have to say sewing. I have gotton back into making quilts and pillows, and other vintage inspried items and it's a full time obsession right now :)

What's next for you?
Well, I am working on my Etsy shop, planning a huuuuge update at some point. In my personal life, my husband and I are starting to get ready to adopt. It's a huge thing that we both have dreamed about before we even knew each other. I am really excited to be a mom someday!
5 things that make you happy!
diet dr. pepper, soft pretzels, polaroid film, glitter, and vintage

Where do you find inspiration?
I find a lot of my inspiration from other blogs, flickr, catalogs, and my surroundings.
How do you get and stay motivated??
I make lists, I adore lists :) I live to cross things off. If I can cross something off of my list, or get a sticker for completing something, I stay very motivated. It's silly but true.
Where's one place you would LOVE to travel to if you could?
Hands down, New Zealand. I have wanted to go there as long as I can remember. The people, the culture, the scenery, the history...AMAZING!
Give us 1 random or funny or interesting fact/tidbit about YOU!!!
In high school, I had a pet turtle named Shaquille O'Niel :) Random!!
She's also created a fun journal challenge and she posts a prompt everyday. If you haven't checked it out yet....you better go hop to it!!! You'll be happy you did. :)
Her first page/ Prompt 1:
Thanks again Janel for sharing!!!
so much love,
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
my surprise
I came home and this package was waiting for me from this lovely lady!

Lindsay you ROCK. I love you!!! Thank you for making my week!!!!

Lindsay you ROCK. I love you!!! Thank you for making my week!!!!
Wednesday Wishes
I wish:
1. that I could see this face SOON!!!!
i miss my bestie. like, a lot!!!!
2. that i could find this dress

i was going through old photos the other day and found this one. then i remembered, i havent seen this dress in a long time...... no idea what i did with it. but i miss it!!!
3. for unlimited spending money on pretty dresses like these
wednesday wishes
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
i confess....
Monday, June 21, 2010
pen pal update

ok, so maybe I'm a total nerd but i am super excited about this round of pen pals (july and august). so far 16 new people have signed up and at least 5-10 prior pen pals have signed up again. it's by far our biggest group yet and i'm stoked!!!
(side note: returning pen pals, if you asked for the whole list, you'll be getting the whole list, and if you asked for a split group, you'll get a split list....does that make sense??)
anywho, if you are reading this and have yet to sign up, please let me know within the week. otherwise, there is always the september/october round.
if you already signed up for july/august and sent me all your info via email, then i've already put you on the list. if youre unsure, you can always email me to double check, but i've tried to write back to every email so you'd know you were indeed added to the list. :)
i'll be sending out emails with the pen pal info soon!!! so hurry and sign up if you havent.
ohhh and don't forget to grab a pen pal project button (on my side bar) created by the lovely courtney!!!! :)
much love,
ps. my email is kellz0505@gmail.com
5 loves on monday
happy monday!
One of my co-workers is in the hospital this week, so it's going to be a long and draining week here at the office for all of us, trying to pick up the slack. Luckily, my co-worker will be okay and hopefully be back next week. Totally gonna miss her this week, she always keeps us laughing.
One of my co-workers is in the hospital this week, so it's going to be a long and draining week here at the office for all of us, trying to pick up the slack. Luckily, my co-worker will be okay and hopefully be back next week. Totally gonna miss her this week, she always keeps us laughing.
So here are some pretty and lovely things that I'm hoping will help to keep me upbeat. :)
1. this book
a girl in my youth group and I have bonded over our love of this book....and mr.darcy. although i must admit, mr.darcy has ruined all other men for me...
anyone else feel the same?
3. this photo
What is making you happy today?
Saturday, June 19, 2010
owl love you forever
Yea, okay I admit it. I am in love with owls.
Seriously in love.
And thanks to etsy I've found tons of cute owl pretties that I want oh-so badly!!!!

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here
so many lovely things *sigh*

Seriously in love.
And thanks to etsy I've found tons of cute owl pretties that I want oh-so badly!!!!

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here
so many lovely things *sigh*

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