*i saw this survey on janel's blog (and some other pretty blogs as well) and thought it would be a cute idea for my fact tuesday feature! so enjoy!!
A- My AIR CONDITIONER is set on: 75 ish
B- My BEDROOM theme is: blue, black, white, and tan.... well im trying to stick to those colors only
B- My BEDROOM theme is: blue, black, white, and tan.... well im trying to stick to those colors only
C- The CAR in the driveway is: a grey 05 jetta v-dub!
D- My DESK looks: a bit messy. it's a small antique desk, so theres not much room on it and its contstanly cluttered (even though I rarely ever sit there!)
E- The EXACT time I wake up daily is: well, it should be 7, but it's more around 8 :( im horrible i know.
F- The FIRST thing I wash in the shower is: my hair
G- My GARAGE is filled with: everyone's stuff. it's mainly a storage area now for my stuff, my roommates stuff, and some other friends of mine also have put their stuff in it.
H- My HOME is: a condo and i love it!
I- If you peeked INSIDE my bathroom you'd see: lots of pink!
J- My favorite JUICE is: apple
K- The best part of my KITCHEN is: how open it is
L- The LAST person who visited my home was: the boy
M- The last piece of MAIL for me was: a pen pal letter!!! :)
N- My NEIGHBORS think I'm: i have no clue, i honestly know only 1 of them, we pretty much all keep to ourselves (which kinda makes me sad)
O- If you OPENED my fridge you'd see: my roommate's food, i havent been to the store in months
P- My last house PARTY was: when my former roomie moved in, almost 6 months ago
Q- A QUICK meal I like to fix is: leftovers!! yumyum
R- My favorite ROOM of the house is: tough call...but i guess my room. i lovelovelove my bed!
S- The SHAMPOO brand I use is: a bunch, i trade them out. pantene prov, tresemme, and john freida (sorry if those are spelled incorrectly, im sure they are!)
T- My largest TELEVISION is: in the living room, it's a 32 inch. i like my bfs tho at his place, it's a 50 i believe....
U- UNDER my bed you will find: tons of boxes (im a pack rat and you never know when you'll need one!), my keyboard, my cds, and anything else that i have no other space for.
V- The last time I VACUUMED was: ekkk how bad is this, i dont even remember!
W- Looking out my WINDOW I see: my porch, the sidewalk or street next to my place, and the neighbors
X- I wish I had X-TRA: rooms. i would LOVE a craft room
Y- My YARD is: shared with all my neighbors, its small but that doesn't bother me at all!
Z- ZZZZZZZ My bedtime is: too late. (12-1)
Great answers, I did this yesterday! Have a great Tuesday!
Yay!! I love it :) I love learning more about my fun friends :)
Hello Friend! It's so nice of you to become a follower of my blog! You are my first follower....so excited! I hope you enjoy any time that you spend looking at it. Love this cute little post by the way! Have a happy night!
I love this! soooo true : )
Stopped by your blog and I'm now following it, super cute. When you get a chance please check out mine and
follow if you like it ( I hope you do ) ... : )
Yeah- I've seen this everywhere and I can honestly say that I love reading peoples answers! They are great!
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