Thursday, December 30, 2010

preparing early

Now that Christmas is over, it seems I'm starting to build up a wishlist....why do I always do this? I have "gift block" right before the holidays when my mom begs me for a christmas wishlist...but then after it's over I think of a million things I want/need.
Instead, I am saving a list now for upcoming holidays ( my birthday that's in like.....5 months). Hey, I'm just preparing ahead of schedule this time!!!!
I also don't know why, but I'll blame it on the awesome food blogs I've been reading lately, I REALLY want some kitchenware stuff.
So birthday's some stuff I was thinking know...when you get around to it. ;)

1.slow cooker
2. mixer
3.a new blender...yea somehow i killed the other one...go figure
4.pots with a strainer in the lid (cause how convenient is that?)
5.a kitchen knife set, cause the only knife i have to use in the kitchen is bent... cutting boards. i really want for poulty, one for veggies, etc.
Okay, well to save myself from looking too greedy (and too domestic) I'm stopping here.
Please tell me I'm NOT the only one that makes these mental lists after holdays. haha

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2010 in review

It's crazy that so much can change in one year. 2010 for the most part has been a good year, filled with good news, bad news, losing friends, making friends, and all that's in between.'s my 2010 in review:

In January:
*I rang in the new year in south florida with my bestie and our pals Jeff and Jeff!

*i got a new roommate

*i became a youth director!

*i started visiting my sister and her kidos every wednesday

In February:

*my friends Sarah and Brennan got married

In March:

*i started another new blog feature with some awesome gals

*i got some pretty blog buttons, made by my pal Courtney

In April:

*i had some much needed mother-daughter time!

*i reached 100 plus followers!

and dying her hair lots of pretty colors

and time with her beautiful kidos too!

*i started a new feature on my blog: inspiration thursdays that featured awesome bloggers!

*the bestie and i went to St. Pete for one of the best and most inspirational weekends ever. i felt so much closer to God after and I felt my relationship with Him get even better!

*I got to visit my home in south florida and visit some more with the bestie

In May:

*my love of sock monkeys began

*my good friend got married to the man of her dreams

*i got another roommate (and the best one!)

*i signed up for camp indie

*had a yard sale with the youth group

In June:

In July:

*had my last book club meeting (the book: The Shack)

*had a sister sleep over

In August:

*took and finished my last class EVER at UNF

*continued to get awesome pen pal mail

*started (and later, actually finished) a blog challenge: 30 days of me

*went to the Jags game with Steven (the only one I got to go to all year)

In September:
*celebrated Steven's birthday!

*vacationed in Marco Island with Steven and his mom and Mark

*participated in the lovely Janel's i heart fall class

*drove to Atlanta to see my bestie one last time before she moved to England...and met her awesome "flatties"

*Walked for a cause (heart disease)

*Joined my new church at the annual church picnic

In October:
*celebrated my sister's birthday with homemade cake (made by me!!)

*Carved some awesome pumpkins

*Had an awesome Halloween party with some of my good friends. (And had a kick ass couple's costume with the boyfriend)

*Went tailgating for the Florida Georgia game.....which I'm not sure I'll ever partake in again.....

In November:

*Went to some awesome counry concerts with my good friends and boyfriend:

In December:
*I had more tests done for my stomach pains (including a CAT Scan and ultrasound....yet doctors are still unsure of what's causing this horrible pain.

*I started new traditions with Steven:

*And some new traditions for me:

(and we had SNOW):

*I tried to make lots of DIY crafts for presents:

*Had my last day at the law firm.

Whew...what a year.

Dear 2011, please be a good one! The best on yet maybe??
